Math Field Day is a competition that affords middle and high school students the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills they have acquired during their courses throughout the school year. While it strengthens school spirit, the tournament also encourages teamwork and promotes interest in the field of mathematics. Another benefit of this competition is that it allows students to work collaboratively while fostering fortitude within each competitor. Students share thinking and problem-solving strategies while working together through higher-order questions. With over 30 years of competitions, many people work together to make this event a truly memorable occasion for nearly 400 middle and high school students.
The West Citrus Elks Lodge provides the location to conduct the tournament and feed the students breakfast and lunch on the day of the competition. Nearly 90 school Administrators, Teachers, and Staff members volunteer to make this event a success. Each year we have a t-shirt design competition. Displayed is this year's winning design by Raven Anderson, a student from Lecanto Middle School. For winning, she received a t-shirt with her design and a $50 gift card to Best Buy. All first-place team members receive a blue medallion and a t-shirt with the winning design.
Displayed is this year's winning design by Raven Anderson, a student from Lecanto Middle School.